Artificial Dodgey Intelligence — the Gelbspan ‘undeniable truth’ skid

There was much ado about Google’s “Gemini” A.I. driving over the ‘woke bias’ cliff a few weeks back, prompting a pseudo-apology from Google about their system “missing the mark.” Well, set their illustration creation ‘intelligence’ aside for a while; is the thing probably dodgey on its text information-generating angle as well?

Sorta. Watch this: Continue reading

A. – somewhat lacking in – I. “Exposing the Influence: Skeptic Climate Scientists and Fossil Fuel Funding”

As I’ve said many times here at GelbspanFiles, no matter where you go in the angles of narratives from prominent people about ‘liars-for-hire scientists on the payroll of Big Coal & Oil’ you’ll see the accusations are only separated by three degrees or less from Ross Gelbspan’s beloved accusation which launched his second career. Add “Artificial Intelligence” to that list of prominent accusers. At the end of this post, I’ll point out a bigger problem with this development. Continue reading