NewsHour Global Warming Bias Tally, Updated 2/7/25: 130 to 0

As of 2/7/25, the bias ratio now stands at 130 governmental agency scientists (IPCC / NASA / NOAA, agreeing with the idea of catastrophic man-caused global warming) to zero scientists from the skeptic side, resulting from the very brief – but still significant –  2/6/25 appearance of Chris Fieldsred-highlighted at the bottom of the IPCC section below.

All updates here are red-highlighted for ease of finding them.

This page features just the bias ratio tally and brief reference links to directly related NewsHour biased reporting analysis. The prior lengthy paragraph setup/update descriptions is at the archive page I created here.

As of this latest update, going back to the 1996 start of the NewsHour’s previously seen online archives for “Environment” and “Climate Change” (both “not found” some time after January 2014), the program has had direct discussions or prominent mentions of the global warming topic approximately 1,703 times, in which only seven of those featured any semblance of purely science points from the skeptical side of the issue, and none of those came from scientists.

At some future time, I’ll have a PDF file link or some other text file here documenting this overall bias ratio on global warming reporting at the NewsHour, consisting of weblinks to full context NewsHour broadcast transcripts along with key transcript sentences. I began that quantity count in 2010 as evidence to cite within an AmericanThinker article, and added to it ever since, but there’s a glitch because the NewsHour’s change in web format in 2014 caused all of its prior broadcast transcript pages to have nonfunctional weblinks, and I need to replace my file’s links with either Internet Archive versions what whatever the NewsHour’s new variants are, which looks to be a huge chore.


IPCC scientists = 89  NASA = 25 NOAA = 16.  130 total.  Skeptic scientists = 0

Michael Oppenheimer – 21: November 10, 1997;  #1 February 2, 2007, #2 April 6, 2007; #3 October 12, 2007; #4 November 19, 2007; #5 December 15, 2008; #6 November 25, 2009; #7 December 9, 2010 #8 Dec. 10, 2010; #9 Sept. 27, 2013; #10 March 31, 2014; #11 November 12, 2014; #12 January 14, 2015; #13 December 2, 2015; #14 May 31, 2017; #15 December 29, 2017; #16 November 23, 2018; #17 April 10, 2019; #18 September 25, 2019; #19 August 9, 2021; #20 November 1, 2021 (in a brief repeat of his #13 12/2/15 appearance, where in neither instance was he identified as an IPCC-associated scientist); #21 July 5, 2022, where his IPCC association is not mentioned at all.
Stephen Schneider – 3: #1 March 28, 2001; #2 April 6, 2007 (in brief lead-in quote); #3 March 26, 2008
Kevin Trenberth – 5: #1 December 4, 1997; #2 February 2, 2007; #3 July 2, 2012, where the NewsHour has no mention of his IPCC association in this segment, despite widespread knowledge within the science community that he was a lead author of IPCC reports, including at his NCAR bio page; Ditto for his #4 November 12, 2013; Ditto for his #5 June 15, 2023 appearance (notice in particular there how the NewsHour host says “welcome back” to Dr Trenberth, when his prior appearance was nearly a decade ago, a fact NewsHour viewers would not know).
Joel Smith – 1: April 6, 2007
Steve Running – 1: October 31, 2008
Richard Alley – 2: #1 December 2, 2015; #2 January 12, 2025 (Dr Alley was not ID’d as an IPCC-associated scientist in either this segment or in his appearance 9 years earlier. His Penn State bio page clearly says he is.)
Scott Barrett – 1: December 2, 2015 (who was additionally offered the opportunity to write an online column for the Newshour)
Patricia Romero Lankao – 1: March 31, 2014
Robert Stavins – 2: #1 April 15, 2014; #2 6/6/19 (While not an actual climate scientist, Stavins is identified in his 2014 appearance as a Harvard University environmental economist who was a co-author of an IPCC report. Stavins has previously had the titles “Coordinating Lead Author” / “Lead Author” of IPCC reports. No full disclosure mention is made of his IPCC association in his 6/6/19 appearance.)
Kristie Ebi / Jonathan Patz – 1: December 24, 2009 Both are identified as IPCC scientists, albeit offering brief comments much like Dr Schneider’s #2 appearance above, thus I combine them into one entry.
• Kristie Ebi – 2: August 8, 2023. Much like the entry immediately above for Dr Ebi, she offers a brief comment, but this time she is not identified by her IPCC association; her current Washington State U bio page nevertheless lists her as an author of an IPCC AR6 report along with an IPCC Special Report, and the IPCC itself lists her in their AR6 Chapter 7 as a Lead Author.
Sebastian Mernild – 1: May 29, 2017. Dr Mernild is not identified as such in this NewsHour segment, but he is easily found as a contributing author to the IPCC’s 2011 AR5 Chapter 13 (line 17 here), and he says as much at his own site along with being a contributor to an NOAA report.
Marshall Shepherd – 1: August 30, 2017. While not identified as such in this NewsHour segment, Dr Shepherd fits the bill as either a NASA or NOAA scientist from his own bio page, but I place him here since he also states he was a contributing author to the IPCC’s 2007 AR4 report.
Kerry Emanuel – 3: #1 August 30, 2017. Dr Emanuel’s affiliation with the IPCC is not mentioned in this NewsHour segment, nor is he readily found described that way elsewhere, but his contributions to the IPCC are seen here as a contributing author in the IPCC AR5, here as an author/expert reviewer in the AR3, and also in search results for his name within IPCC material; #2 January 10, 2018 ; #3 October 9, 2019 .
Laura Gallardo – 1June 26, 2018. While not mentioned in this appearancd as having any association with the IPCC, it isn’t difficult to find Dr Gallardo’s association where the results range from a service site reporting about the 2014 IPCC meeting showing her in a prominent photo, and her own university doing the same regarding that meeting, along with her being significantly mentioned in one IPCC document, along with being listed as a lead author in Chapter 6 of the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report, Working Group I.
Michael Mann – 9: #1 August 6, 2018. Those who closely follow the global warming issue know of Dr Mann as being one of the more controversial members of the IPCC with his infamous “hockey stick” temperature graph, and form his comic attempt to claim a Nobel Prize win, an effort that was used at one time as a promotional tool ….. but the NewsHour has no mention of his IPCC association in this segment.  #2 Ditto, in his June 28, 2019 appearance. #3 Ditto, in his April 22, 2021 appearance. #4 Ditto, in his May 22, 2022 appearance. #5 Ditto, in his July 24, 2022 appearance. #6 Ditto, in his November 12, 2022 appearance. #7 Ditto, in his December 10, 2022 appearance, oddly described this time as a “climate scientist who studies the effectiveness of climate communication.” #8 Ditto, in his August 22, 2023 appearance. #9: Ditto, in his Dec 12, 2023 appearance.
James Kossin – 1: September 19, 2018. The NewsHour only identifies Dr. Kossin in this segment as atmospheric research scientist with a university, and says nothing about his IPCC association or with the NOAA.
Carlos Nobre – 2: October 4, 2018. The NewsHour only identifies Dr. Nobre in this segment as “Brazil’s leading climatologist.” He was a lead author for the 2007 IPCC report’s Chapter 13, and was a contributing author for the IPCC’s 2014 Fifth Assessment Report’s Chapter 27, and the National Academy of Sciences corroborates his IPCC association. Ditto for his October 26, 2022 appearance.
David Victor – 1: December 6, 2018. Dr Victor (PhD in Political Science) is not ID’d as an IPCC scientist, and while that label is a stretch itself, he is seen as a contributing author at the IPCC’s Third Assessment Report Working Group 3 “Mitigation” section, as well as being seen prominently in other IPCC publications.arance.
David Karoly – 1: February 5, 2020. Dr Karoly is not identified as such in this NewsHour segment, but he is easily found as a member of the “Core Writing Team” for the IPCC’s “Climate Change 2007: Synthesis Report,” and is described within a Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO) staff page as having “several different roles” within four IPCC reports.
David Holland – 4: #1 February 19, 2020: Dr Holland is not identified as such in this NewsHour segment, but within the IPCC’s own documents, he is listed as a contributing author to one of its reports. #2 December 15, 2021, again not ID’d as an IPCC-associated scientist. #3 Ditto for his July 25, 2022 appearance. #4 Ditto for his January 14, 2025 appearance.
Patrick Gonzalez – 1: March 1, 2020: Dr Gonzalez is not identified as such in this NewsHour segment, but within the IPCC’s own documents, he is listed as a contributing author to one of its reports, and his own university trumpeted his selection by the IPCC as a Lead Author.
Ralph Keeling – 1: April 4, 2020. Dr Keeling is not identified as such in this NewsHour segment, but within the IPCC’s own documents, he is listed as a contributing author to one of its reports (the Draft version spells out his first name).
Philip Duffy – 1: April 4, 2020. Dr Duffy is not identified as such in this NewsHour segment, but his own resumé states that he was a contributing author to one of its reports, along with other IPCC-associated activity.
Merritt Turetsky – 1: June 25, 2020. Dr Turetsky is not identified as such in this NewsHour segment, she is labeled as a contributing author in a 2019 IPCC Special Report.
Drew Shindell – 1: November 1, 2020. Dr Shindell is not identified as having an association with the IPCC in this NewsHour segment, but the IPCC itself labels him as a Coordinating Lead Author of at least two reports, as does Duke University’s bio page for him.
Alan Hamlet – 1: July 18, 2012: Dr Hamlet is not identified as such in this NewsHour segment, but within the IPCC 2004 Fourth Assessment Report, he is listed as a contributing author to Chapter 14.
Claudia Tebaldi – 1: September 12, 2021: Dr Tebaldi (her PhD is in Statistics) isn’t identified as being associated with the IPCC in this NewsHour segment, but the IPCC itself places her among Contributing Authors in its Fourth Assessment Report Chapter 2, and among Lead Authors in its Fifth Assessment Report Chapter 12, and her own National Center for Atmospheric Research CV confirms major additional IPCC associations.
 Don Wuebbles – 1: September 28, 2021: Regarding Dr Wuebbles’ brief taped comment, he was only identified as a “climate scientist and University of Illinois professor,” despite having a specific IPCC bio page devoted specifically to him and his contributions to the IPCC, which are extensive.
Kim Cobb – 1: November 1, 2021.
Lonnie Thompson & spouse Ellen Mosley-Thompson – 1: November 4, 2021. In this program segment, neither of the Thompsons were identified as being IPCC-associated scientists, but instead only as a “couple” working at Ohio State University, despite the IPCC itself clearly showing them as Contributing Authors to its AR4 Chaper 6.
• Noah Diffenbaugh – 1: November 6, 2021. Dr Diffenbaugh is not identified as having an IPCC association in this NewsHour segment, but he is easily found at minimum to be a contributing author to the IPCC 2014 Fifth Assessment Report’s Chapter 24, while his Stanford U bio page lists him as a Lead Author.
• Marshall Burke – 1: November 6, 2021. Dr Burke is not identified as having an IPCC association in this NewsHour segment, nor is he a climate scientist, but actually has his Ph.D. in Agricultural and Resource Economics from UC Berkeley. However, he was noted as having a direct association with the above-noted Dr Diffenbaugh, and is easily found at minimum to be a contributing author to the IPCC 2014 Fifth Assessment Report’s Chapter 22.
Robert McLeman – 1: January 31, 2022. Dr McLeman is not identified as having an IPCC association in this NewsHour segment, but the IPCC itself clearly labels him as a Coordinating Lead Author in its AR6 Chapter 7.
• Camille Parmesan – 1: February 28, 2022.
• Ermias Kebreab – 1: March 6, 2022. The NewsHour did not mention Dr Kebreab’s IPCC association in this segment, but he is labeled as a IPCC Contributing Author at his University of California, Davis bio page, and is additionally listed that way within a 2019 IPCC report and as a noteworthy participant in a 2016 IPCC meeting.
• Suruchi Bhadwal – 1: May 10, 2022. Ms Bhadwal is not identified as having an IPCC association in this NewsHour segment, despite the IPCC’s label of her as a Lead Author in their 2019 Chapter 4 “Special Report on Climate Change and Land.” The Energy and Resources Institute, which the NewsHour minimally identified as her employer, has a bio page for her listing more of her major IPCC-associated activity.
• David Hondula – 2: July 6, 2022. Dr Hondula is not identified as having an IPCC association in this NewsHour segment, but he is among the Contributing Authors for the IPCC’s AR6 Chapter 6 “Cities, Settlements and Key Infrastructure.” Ditto for his July 10, 2023 appearance.
• Saleemul Huq – 1: November 11, 2022. Prof Huq is cryptically identified in this segment merely as “a veteran of these U.N. climate meetings” (particular news reporters and enviro-activist protestors also fit that description) when the NewsHour could have identified him as having a direct and very prominent connection to the IPCC from being a lead author of several IPCC Assessment Reports, as described in his own International Center for Climate Change and Development bio page. He is additionally a Contributing Author, and a member of the Core Writing Team for the IPCC’s 2007 Synthesis Report.
• Joanna Lewis – 1: November 17, 2022. In their ongoing overall failure to disclose a key association among their climate scientists guests, the NewsHour made no mention of Dr Lewis’ ties to the IPCC. Her Georgetown University resumé notes her Lead Author status (among four other IPCC items) for their Fifth Assessment report, a detail that the IPCC itself corroborates.
• Chris Brierley – 1: January 3, 2023. While Dr Brierley’s appearance was fleeting, only three sentences in the News Wrap segment, his pronouncement was significant, and he was only labeled as a “climate scientist” onscreen, despite being a Contributing Author to the IPCC’s Sixth Assessment report’s Chapter 3.
• Colin Carlson – 1: March 1, 2023. Dr Carlson is not identified as having an IPCC association in this NewsHour segment, but the IPCC places him among the Contributing Authors to its AR6 Chapter 9 “Africa,” and he corroborates his IPCC work at his own website.
Robert Nicholls – 1: May 21, 2024. Dr Carlson is not identified as having an IPCC association in this NewsHour segment, while his U of East Anglia bio page clearly does in a major way.
• Ben Kravitz – 1: December 15, 2024. Dr Kravitz is not identified as having an IPCC association in this NewsHour segment, but his U of Indiana CV shows he was a Contributing Author to two IPCC reports.
Chris Fields – 1: February 6, 2025. Dr Fields is not identified as an IPCC-associated scientist in his very brief taped appearance, but his Stanford U bio page prominently notes his very significant co-chair association.

James Hansen – 1: August 6, 2012
Gavin Schmidt – 6: #1 January 16, 2015; #2 October 6, 2016; #3 October 8, 2018; #4 July 16, 2021; #5 September 6, 2023. #6 January 10, 2025.
Bill Patzert – 1: April 6, 2016
Thomas Wagner –3: July 25, 2012; #2 May 12, 2014; #3 August 20, 2014
Radley Horton – 9: #1 June 21, 2017 (Dr Horton is not identified as such in this NewsHour segment or in his subsequent appearances, but his website’s bio and his CV details his NASA affiliation, along with an association with NOAA); #2 August 30, 2017 (partly re-seen during the year-end December 20, 2017 science discussion); #3 September 21, 2017; #4 November 3, 2017; #5 December 13, 2017; #6 January 10, 2018; #7 September 14, 2018 ; #8 November 26, 2019; #9 And once again, with the lack of full disclosure about his NASA/NOAA affiliations, in his January 9, 2024 appearance.
Kelly Brunt – 1: #1 March 8, 2017 (rebroadcasted July 12, 2017 and partly re-seen for a third time during the year-end December 20, 2017 science discussion. Ms Brunt’s NASA affiliation was not noted within the NewsHour’s 12/20 online transcript. Technically, she’s had 3 NewsHour appearances.)
Jay Famiglietti – 1: March 31, 2018. Additionally, Famiglietti’s name is found more than once within IPCC publications, and his speaker’s bio page and UC Irvine bio both note his ‘contribution’ to the IPCC.
Kate Marvel – 1: February 24, 2019. (Dr Marvel is identified in the segment as an “associate research scientist at Columbia University”, but it strangely does not disclose that she also works at NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies. That’s the same organization headed by 4-time NewsHour guest Gavin Schmidt).
Paul Newman – 1: January 22, 2023.
Dr Jonas Jägermeyr – 1:August 27, 2023.

Tom Karl – 1: July 10, 2012
Randy Dole – 1: April 6, 2016
Thomas Peterson – 1: October 9, 2012
Stephanie Moore – 1: October 23, 2013
Bill Causey – 1: February 3, 2015
C. Mark Eakin – 1: March 22, 2017
Hal Needham – 2: September 19, 2018. In this segment, the NewsHour only identifies Dr. Hal Needham as a “hurricane scientist,” and says nothing about his association with the NOAA. The “About” page for his Marine Weather & Climate website notes he is the founder of that organization, and at the bottom of that same page, it notes his association with the NOAA-funded “Southern Climate Impacts Planning Program” (SCIPP). NOAA’s SCIPP page features Dr Needham’s name six times – here’s a screencapture of four of them – and the page also notes how SCIPP is a “team supported by the Climate Program Office at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).” When people see NOAA’s Climate Program Office page, there is no doubt that they support the IPCC side of the global warming issue (until directed otherwise under the Trump administration). And when people see an older SCIPP bio page for Dr Needham, you can’t miss the NOAA association in the top left corner; December 19, 2018.
David Easterling – 1: November 23, 2018.
Lauren Fry –1: December 12, 2021.
Michael Jacox – 1: August 14, 2022. Dr Jacox was directly ID’d as an NOAA scientist, but the twist to his appearance is that it is very difficult to discern whether he was affirming the PBS NewsHour’s pro-CAGW position, or if he was being somewhat vague in order to suggest that natural variability is simply what happens in ‘oceanic heat waves.’.
Adam Smith – 1: January 16, 2023.
Judah Cohen – 1: January 16, 2023. While Dr Cohen does not directly work at NOAA, he is closely associated enough as a supplier of information to the agency via the “Atmospheric and Environmental Research” (AER) organization that he qualifies for this category. NOAA specifically called out his work back in 2012.
Erin Fedewa – 1: June 28, 2023.
Tobey Curtis – 1: July 21, 2023.
Katey Lesneski – 1: July 26, 2023.