Heartland 14th International Climate Conference / Update: enviro-activists’ “было бы корыто, a свиньи-то будут” problem / BBC bias arises again

I was away for the Oct 15-17 weekend, attending the Heartland Institute ICCC14 climate conference. Poor as I am, I’d be remiss if I didn’t again thank the two people who generously donated to cover the cost of registering for the conference and the costs of the hotel and fossil fuel for the drive there. While there, I not only met up with old friends and benefactors, I gained new friends and supporters, and I gleaned information on both the science side of the issue and its unnerving “Great Reset” / Environmental Social Governance” political side. Plus, a slide from Dr Will Happer’s presentation (FYI, back in late 2015, I covered how he doesn’t like Greenpeace much) turns out to be something I can borrow to illustrate the latest update of how the corrupting money in this issue seems to be found entirely in the enviro-activists side of this issue.

“было бы корыто, a свиньи-то будут.” Roughly translated, “if you have a trough, there will be pigs.”

For the benefit of both loyal followers of my work at GelbspanFiles and for my new friends who’ve just learned about it, in my February 2020 blog post, I detailed how Greenpeace Executive Director John Passacantando, one of the original major promulgators of the “industry-corrupted skeptic climate scientists” accusation, strangely transitioned out of what was likely to have been a prominent climate leader six-figure income situation into the obscurity of running an otherwise ineffective blogsite, which under most normal circumstances would lead to a massive plunge in personal income. But my blog post also featured several IRS 990 forms showing the sheer amount of money flowing into Passacantando’s mysterious new little “Our Next Economy LLC” outfit — upwards of nearly $5 million at that point in 2020, according to the tally of those IRS forms from 2008 to 2017 by the Capital Research Center’s Influence Watch page for him, and by what Energy In Depth has reported about him.

Courtesy of Hayden Ludwig at Influence Watch, I now have a copy of the latest 2018 form, showing that Passacantando / Our Next Economy LLC received an additional $2,245,000.

IRS reports lag behind the current time by some distance. Until the next report comes out, I’ll have to change my “What $5 Mill might buy” category to the figure of $7.5+ million, along my other references here at GelbspanFiles to the total amount I know he has been paid.

How much has Passacantando / Our Next Economy LLC received from Sustainable Markets Foundation and other sources since that last 2018 990 form? Who knows? But as a reminder to loyal followers of my work and for new readers today, I showed in my December 2020 blog post how his seemingly 1-person mystery blogging operation jumped to being a 17-person one at his unchanged 5-bedroom Alexandria residential address which qualified for a $336,737 Coronavirus PPP loan.

Worthwhile story for an objective, unbiased investigative reporter to dig into, whether all of that is above reproach. It’s a worthy, equal opportunity for biased reporters, as well, including the BBC Channel 4 reporter who must have created a giant carbon footprint in order to attend Heartland’s Vegas conference. After personally hearing her unmistakably biased question at the 2:32 point in this hit piece against all of us climate realists, I sought her out later and ever-so-briefly mentioned that if she looked into the ‘crooked skeptic climate scientists’ accusation, she would see how it fell apart. She scanned in the barcode square for my blogsite and said “Brilliant” when she saw it work on her smartphone, but it wouldn’t surprise me if it went soon afterward straight into her virtual dustbin. If so, it’ll reinforce how we still don’t have a climate crisis, we have a journalism malfeasance crisis among mainstream media reporters.