A strange pair of same-day appearances barely over a month ago of that supposedly ‘leaked industry strategy memo phrase’ are an indicator of how people who can’t stop repeating it seem blissfully ignorant regarding the way its less-than-three-degree separation from Ross Gelbspan — and all the related fatal problems surrounding that — could potentially torpedo the legacies of the prominent people who’ve long promulgated it as evidence of the fossil fuel industry conspiring with skeptic climate scientists to undercut the alleged ‘certainty’ of man-caused global warming. Watch this. Continue reading
Category Archives: Repeated talking points
The Mythological Hydra: Many Heads, Same Beast. Part 1
The prominent people promulgating the notion of catastrophic man-caused global warming seem to be oblivious to how some of their statements are totally unfettered psychological projection of what their side is actually enslaved to, when it comes to protecting their position with multi-pronged attacks against their ‘fossil fuel industry-paid corrupt critics.’ Continue reading
Flying off a Cliff with the Same Old Worthless Talking Points & how Entire Legacies may be Lost
I’ve posed a tough question to ‘global warming true believers’ for years ….
….. and it always turns out embarrassingly bad for people attempting to answer the question. So, regarding this particular hapless anonymous commenter, let’s peel back the layers and see where the wipeouts occur. But after that exercise, consider this: what happens when this same basic inquiry is put to luminaries such as former Vice President Al Gore, or to “Merchants of Doubt” documentary movie star/book author Naomi Oreskes, or to the plaintiffs in the assortment of global warming lawsuits, all of whom claim the fossil fuel industry hid the harm of its product causing global warming by hiring shill scientists to spread misinformation? Continue reading
Victory Will Be Achieved when we can prove there is an Oil Execs / Skeptic Climate Scientists Collusion Conspiracy
My December 14, 2018 blog post illustrated how ‘journalist’ Amy Westervelt’s narrative about fossil fuel companies orchestrating disinformation campaigns to undercut public belief in man-caused global warming is a one-trick pony, enslaved to a particular set of worthless ‘leaked memo’ evidence for the notion that fossil fuel industry executives colluded with skeptic climate scientists in this conspiracy. But let’s not stop there. Westervelt also exposed how she is enslaved to one other set of worthless talking points for her narrative, which only ultimately points yet another giant arrow back to the origins of the smear of skeptic climate scientists. Continue reading
Put all your Eggs in the “Reposition Global Warming as Theory Rather than Fact” Memos Basket
Accusers who push the idea that fossil fuel industry executives colluded with skeptic climate scientists to spread lies undermining public belief in man-caused global warming repeatedly reveal they only have one bit of so-called ‘viable evidence’ in their arsenal — a particular set of supposedly leaked internal fossil fuel industry memos. Their latest effort to keep the accusation afloat contains an unforced error where they felt compelled to repeat a specific line about the ‘discovery’ of the memos which they haven’t spoken of since 1996.
The Long Reach of Naomi Oreskes’ Fingerprints
My primary focus at this blog is to illustrate myriad ways the ‘skeptic climate scientists are paid fossil fuel money to lie’ accusation falls apart, while the secondary implied point is that the mainstream news media has done essentially nothing when it comes to checking the veracity of any claim made within the global warming issue, whether it’s pure science claims or political analysis claims. Today’s topic is a case in point about one of the political angles. Continue reading
Making my Case for Me
When I say there is only one source for the idea that a fossil fuel industry conspiracy exists where skeptic climate scientists are instructed and paid to lie to the public about the settled science of catastrophic man-caused global warming, I’m not exaggerating in any way. Today, I offer a one-two punch: first, part of a presentation at The 2015 Conference on Communication and Environment in Boulder where I will highlight a particular line with red letters which inadvertently proves my point, made by a “doctor of Rhetoric and Composition.” Then, a days-old video I was alerted to which features not only a couple of the usual suspects whose efforts to smear skeptic climate scientists date from nearly a decade / nearly two decades back, but also a line seen within the video dating from the 1991 origins of the smear. Continue reading
Hired Guns
Enviro-activists love to say greedy fossil fuel industry executives hired lying shill scientists to misinform the public away from believing the settled science of catastrophic man-caused global warming. Yet the only thing which remotely looks like evidence to confirm this conspiracy is a worthless set of memos supposedly leaked out of the Western Fuels Association having the strategy to “reposition global warming as theory rather than fact.” That’s all the enviro-activists have. The impression I get from digging through all of this accusation is that we actually have the exact opposition situation ….. Continue reading
Repetitive Al Gore
Al Gore’s sequel to his 2006 movie is coming out today, and in his various promotions for it, he repeats basically the same standard message he’s had for years to whoever is listening, such as what we see in this weeks-old video. But one of his repetitions is not merely something he created for this current promotional tour. It is far older than that. Continue reading
What’s the Deal with that Other Book?
I dissect myriad angles of the accusation about skeptic climate scientists ‘being paid by Big Coal & Oil to lie to the public’ for basically for one reason: to amass bulletproof information for journalists who want to objectively tell the story of how character assassination has been used as a tactic to steer the public away from taking those skeptics’ science assessments seriously, and/or for attorneys or congressional investigators who might want to hold people accountable who may have engaged in either libel/slander against skeptic climate scientists, or who may have engaged in some form of racketeering to prevent their global warming gravy train from derailing. Regarding the following problem, envision a TV courtroom drama scene, where the prosecuting attorney raises some action the defendant made, the defense attorney objects, and the prosecutor replies with, “goes to motive!” Continue reading